Accounting Services
Preparation of annual financial statements
Preparation of periodic management accounts for internal use or finance covenants
Maintaining PAYG and GST records
BAS/IAS calculations, preparation, lodgement
We are able to process accounting files from Xero (Silver Champion Partner), MYOB, Reckon Accounts incl Reckon Hosted, Quickbooks Online from Intuit, Wave Accounting and Handisoft.
Taxation Compliance Services - Resident tax payers
Preparation and Logement of Income Tax Returns
Payroll tax returns
Land tax returns
Capital gains tax advice and planning
PAYG and superannuation compliance
Rental property and Business schedules
Tax depreciation schedules
Taxation Compliance Services - Non-Residents
Preparation and Logement of Non-Resident Income Tax Returns
Establishment of Australian subsidiary
Non-Resident Director Services
GST (Consumption tax) collection and tax office remittance for e-Commerce non-resident businesses
Foreign Resident withholding tax variations (construction projects etc)
Advice for temporary residents
Bookkeeping & personal budgeting support
Need bookkeeping support? We can assist with regular data entry support
Assistance with choosing the right accounting software for your needs
Setup of Xero, Reckon, Quickbooks or MYOB
Periodic or day to day data entry and ledger maintenance
Personal non-business budgeting support and advice (using Xero)
Audit Services
SMSF compliance audits
Trust account audits for real estate agents
Due diligence
Company Secretarial
Advice and assistance on setup of new companies or trusts
Assistance with Annual Company Statements
Electronic lodgement of ASIC notifications, eg change of address, office holders, shareholdings etc
Preparation of minutes of meetings
Company searches
Business Advice
Assistance with business start up, planning & marketing
Business name registrations
Domain name registrations
Advice on business computer software
Efficient billing and cash collection using Xero