2021 tax time is here!
What a year (and a half) it’s been!
We hope everyone is keeping well and safe and that you have not been too badly affected by the current lockdown. Fingers crossed for Friday!
In today’s post we would just like to provide you with some useful information and tax time guides that will help you to collate all the information you need to complete your 2021 income tax return with G Henderson & Co.
We are happy to advise that we offer face to face (post lockdown) and zoom video call appointments for your tax return. Simply contact our office on 9979 2660 to book in a time.
Last year we also introduced our complimentary client portal which allows you to securely upload all your tax time info directly to us for processing. If you haven’t yet signed up to this free service but would like to, let us know and we’ll gladly get you set up.
Here are your 2021 tax time guides:
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
If you have any family members or friends who are looking for an experienced tax professional to assist with their tax returns & affairs, personal or business, we’d love for you to pass on our contact details, and be assured that we will look after them.