2022 Tax Time is here!

Happy New Financial Year!
Another year is gone and tax time is upon us once again. In today's post we would like to provide you with some useful information and tax time guides that will help you collate all the information you need to complete your 2022 income tax return with G Henderson & Co.
We are happy to advise that we offer face to face and zoom video call appointments for your tax return, simply give us a call on 9979 2660 to book in a time.
All clients are provided with complimentary access to our client portal which allows you to securely upload all your tax time info directly to us for processing. Ask us about this when you book your appointment.
Tax time checklists - email us on admin@hendersonco.com.au to get your free tax return checklists:
Things to consider - 2022 tax return checklist
Home office expenses - what you can claim
Property Investor tax guide
Information about common deductions, including record keeping - as published by the ATO:
Occupation specific tax guides - as published by the ATO:
Technicians and trade workers
Community and personal services workers
Clerical and administrative workers
Machinery operators and drivers
Sales workers
By industry or employer
No advice disclaimer:
Taxpayers should not act solely on the basis of the material contained in this post and any of our website/social media pages. Items herein are general comments only and do not constitute or convey advice per se. Also changes in legislation may occur quickly. We therefore recommend that our formal advice be sought before acting in any of the areas. Posts are published as a helpful guide to taxpayers and for their private information.